12 de julho de 2018
Tilapia is one of the most favored fish in Brazilian cuisine. Actually, compared to other fish, tilapia is the bestselling in restaurants.
If you have not yet tasted the delicious dishes prepared with tilapia, don’t waste any more time. Today, we will help you understand more about the culinary use of these fish in this country. And we are going to give you tips for some easy delicious and recipes for this delicacy. Check below for this and much more!
Tilapia in Brazil
The data from 2015 shows that 219 tons of tilapia were sold in Brazil in that year, which goes to show the large amount of consumption of this fish in the country.
A report from the same time period shows that there was a 220% increase in the purchase and consumption of tilapia in the country. This data shows information that dates back 10 years. Taking into account the large increases in the past years, we can consider this one of the highest in the food business.
From these numbers, it’s evident that tilapia has been used in many typical Brazilian dishes. This is a trend that has been consistent since 2005, when the growth in consumption picked up. From that time on, the best local restaurants have increased the amount of tilapia offered in their menus.
Now that you are aware of the growth of tilapia consumption in the country, let’s talk about its versatility. Check below!
Popular recipes
The Brazilian recipes including tilapia have become more common and sought after, regardless of the season.
One of the advantages is the variety of side dishes that can accompany it. It can be served with rice and beans, a typical Brazilian staple, or in Japanese restaurant dishes. This can help you understand how tilapia can be used in a variety of dishes.
We will leave aside more complex dishes, that can only be prepared at fancy restaurants. To help you familiarize yourself with this fish, we’ve picked two easy and typical Brazilian recipes.
Grilled tilapia fillet
roasted tilapia fillet