Lake’s Fish is a fish farming and processing/packing plant, located in Niquelândia, in the state of Goiás, recognized for its excellence and sustainability in the production and processing of high quality fish.

The fish tanks for rearing our tilapia are in the Serra da Mesa Lake, which is the largest artificial lake in Brazil in terms of water volume, where we can potentialize the local characteristics, like oxygen and temperature, to ensure excellence in handling and production of our fish at Lake’s Fish.

From our high-tech nursery, through the entire production chain, we invest heavily in high performance and genetic enhancement to improve the quality and strength of the eggs and fingerlings that are carefully selected and raised to ensure the best yields for our customers.

Our fish is delivered live to our processing facility, which is only 500 meters from the tanks. The fish are then ready for harvesting. We count on our modern machinery, infrastructure, cutting-edge technology and qualified professionals to process and stock up to 10 tons of fish daily.

At Lake’s Fish nothing is wasted. Whatever is not resourced in the processing facility is forwarded to our recycling industry, where it is turned into flour and oil, meant for the production of animal feed and cosmetics due to its richness in omegas 3 and 6.


We have total control over our fish production chain, from live fry to packed and ready for delivery products.

That’s how we guarantee the highest quality throughout all phases and are able to keep products fresh and tasteful until they get to your table.

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